Thursday, April 16, 2009

trip summary so far and old pictures

If you love me and cared about me you would read my whole story hahaha

OKAY well I guess I will tell you guys about my trip like the long long story because this is the only free time i have when I'm not doing anything. I'm just going to upload the pics next time all together, I don't think i will upload a lot though because it was pretty much all family. So I guess i will just pick the nice ones and then post it up here. Okay well lets start with the packing. I needed to be home at 5pm on Thursday, but I ended up going home at 630pm I was with edge that day. My aunt called me and told me that I have to pick up her friend and her up so I did that and we ate. We got home at 930pm and I was like shoot shoot shoot cause I have not really packed at all.

So I got home and I got on the computer first and then I started packing because my mom keeps on bugging me. So I packed the most random clothes ever and I brought like cerialli like 7 pants. I did not even need it and so far I used pretty much 3 lol... What a waste of space o well. and all I pretty much packed is a lot of white v-necks because I'm too lazy to looks for the nice ones.

I still found some though so o well. I packed moose too for my hair so i don't need to straighten it. So it was I think 12am or 1am already so I ended up sleeping because I was tired and I wasn't done packing yet. I had to wake up at like 4am and I was like shoot so I set my alarm clock for 330am so I can pack. That did not really work out so I still woke up at 4 because of my mom.

I was so scared because I was barely packed. like cerialli I was like OOOHH SHOOT. I couldn't even think because there was so much stuff on my mind and I had like the weirdest dream ever haha well lets not talk about that. So I just put clothes in my bag and shoes that's it. We left to the airport. I slept in the airport haha waiting for my flight to depart.

I slept on the plane haha. First it was a stop over from Cali to Arizona so we had to get out again... Then it was time fore NEW YORK!! i ate pizza it was good. So i sat with this like woman and it was funny and annoying cause she talked a lot. AND I HATE IT WHEN people tell you a story and then after like a few hours they forget and THEY TELL YOU THE SAME STORY..

haha she did it 5 times with 5 different stories. She moved a lot too. and the guy next to me was like effin snoring lol I was like WHAT THE HELL it was loud haha like my dad. So yeah Her name was Gina shes 30 or something and shes going to new york because shes going to meet up with her boyfriend its cute too cause the guy was like if u love me come see me.. and so she did. I was like WOAH haha like rich bitch haha.

so yeah and then she has like a 12 or 13 year old son. his pretty cute actually I was like woah HIS 12. he looks older more like 16 or something haha but yeah she was talking like the whole friggn plane trip so i couldn't sleep haha until like I was like efffff it haha cause she was talking still and then I started looking at my ipod and then I put my ear piece on sometimes I just nod to what shes saying haha but yeah it was a funny flight hah. So we exchanged numbers and stuff but we did not really talk to each other again haha. so we were in New York it was pretty cold and my dads friend was waiting for us then we got to his house. he has a nephew Jerome.

It was funny cause we got home and all the lights were off and I almost like fell on him cause he was sleeping in the ground haha. so the first time I actually saw him was when i was going to the other room and he was like standing fixing his bed or something and we were just like ummm hey... haha and then I turned around and went to the other room. it was funny haha. and then the next day we toured around.

Saw statue of liberty took pictures went to Ellis island. went to Manhattan haha YEAHH friggn awesome we went to town square i think thats what its called and like its the one where they dropped the ball like in new years. at night its so pretty cause theres so much flashing lights. we took a subway and a yellow cab haha it was awesome. We also went to empire state building which is currently the tallest building right now I think or something like that.

We went to the very top and i took pictures the pictures lokks so cool because it looked fake haha like the buildings looks like little statue figures. when no one was looking I spit hahahahhha. like yeah I hope it like fell on someone hahahhahahhahhaha ewww LOl. Then we went down again and we just ate. we went to Rockefeller too yeah.

I'm to lazy to look up the spelling. it was a cute place. We also went to st. Patrick cathedral ITS A REALLY PRETTY CATHEDRAL!!! it was funny to because we stayed in the Bronx effin ghetto duude haha like theres a lot of tags.nice ones too and when u go to Manhattan everything is like clean no tags at all.

After all that we went back to his house and we ate and then Jerome asked if I wanted to watch movies and I was like sure. So we watched You Changed My Life with Sarah Geronimo and John Lloyd Cruz. Cute movie. Then we were watching When Love begins but my dad called and told me to go to sleep. Then we just asked for my email so he can email me the mp3 song smy dad wants or something.

Yeah he was pretty cool like he reminded me of my cousin haha. After new york we drove to Washington and it was fun took pictures of the white house. it was far so it looked small. I saw Obama hahaha.... but I did not get to take a picture cause he has like all these body guards on him. haha like london tiptons dad status hahaha.

Yeah and we took this double decker bus and I was on the top and yeah took pictures of the ford theater where Lincoln was assassinated. That bus went through so much historical places. AND OH MY GOSH duude all the people there looked so rich like kids wearing suites and like burberry it was crazy haha like they all look like their somebody and in new york their fashion was like super nice too like yeah. Washington was pretty fun. After that we drove again until it was night time and so we decided to sleep andIstayed in best western lumberton.

It was pretty fun so I talked to edge on the phone. then slept. in the morning I woke up ate breakfast at the lobby and I went on the computer. Jeff was on so we talked but we didn't talk a lot because I had to go again i really miss my best friend. then on the trip I slept again and texted Paul, Margiel, Tiffany, Edge, and like a lot more people I was just like texting like crazy haha nothing else to do right.So we were just driving stopped a few times in the other states. Then we were in Florida and we stayed at my dads friends house.

It was sooo crazy in Florida cause it started raining and we were at the bridge and cerialli it was effin crazzyyyy because you cant even see the road anymore and there was thunder it felt like we were going to be thrown at the sea. it was soo scary, but after a while it stopped and we had to slow down a lot because yeah cant see the road. in the morning we were planning to go to universal but it started raining again and its so humid in Florida like my hair got all frizzy. so we ended up not going and my dad was so sleepy so we slept in a gas station lol. then me and my aunt got more like souvenirs haha yeah.

Then I got shells so I can give it to like Tiffany and Margiel or who ever haha. i was going to get Margiel this like shark in a bottle. its so crazy its like a real baby shark in a bottle. but I didnt cause it was like 20 dollars and I was saving my money for something haha. and then we left and we are in New Orleans.

New Orleans was pretty cool when we were walking around in the place the stores looks like universal it was soo cuute and it looked fake haha but yeah. I saw an URBAN OUTFITTER and I finally found what I was looking for. So I bought that along with this shirt and this sandals. Its so expensive it was like 10239483984dollars in total. haha okay so after that we left and just continued texting.

Now were in Texas and yeah my trip isn't even done yet cause I'm leaving on Sunday morning. I was webcamming with Edge last night haha. It was boring though because he doesn't have one and so only I was and effin A my webcam would like freeze and it would leave this like hella ugly ass face. o well its just Edge anyway hahaha. I miss you a lot get a webcam you beetch.

I'm in Houston and some of my family is in Kellen Texas so their driving here and going to arrive on Friday. Right now I'm waiting for my cousin Kuya JunJun's son and daughter Katyanna and Jay Jay so I can have play mates haha. tomorrow we are going to the beach and are panning to have an over night and yay more kids tomorrow cause my cousin Yan Yan, Marykris, and Dimple are going to be here. yayyyy haha and I think their bringing more kids?? I dont know..I feel so old.

Yeah so right now I'm just updating I think I missed a lot, but because the other stuff aren't really important. We just ate at the other states haha.... o well that's it i think i will post up pictures when i get back in cali... ;]

HEHE sorry for the late update. I did not have time until now.
Pictures are LAST WEEKS

School Rally
This was after we took Kathleen home. Jan and I parked at walked down the street and went to the sidewalk that has this really nice view. But then we ended up leaving early because it started drizzling :[
It was pretty cool
Margiel, Ron, Jan, and I went to store 13 after we went to One World. We were pretty much broke so we did not get anything. Margiel wants me to like buy him all this stuff. What a biatch hahahaha
Margiel Driving my car buahah
PhotobucketRon and Russel
eww haha
I told you its not in order haha
Edge Drew this
You better be only texting me... hahahaha this is actually my favorite picture
Edge thinks his all cool.. Umm EWW
WOW badass hahahha
he looks mad lol
russel is sooo nice
Its an asian!!
The clouds are beautiful!
He thinks his soo good......
Photobucket I can do better buahha
I love taking pictures of clouds because when u close your eyes for 10 minutes its going to change shape. its like a one time thing only.
Claudes shirt
PhotobucketPhotobucketSantos really mad with a new haircut
This is nice

Yay haha it was a pretty fun week last week :] I did not really get to hang out with Tiffany though :[ i misss her a lot

Texas i was bored right now haha


I barely woke up -.-
After i ate eggs and rice with soysauce and calamansi it was yummy

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