Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Today was picture day so i dress prettyful for school :] i had comments from random people like ohh i like you shirt.. lol and i would always give them my smile and say thank you. I wore the shirt that i wore on my accomplished video :] so it was pretty much going great. I had fun talking to my friends, but one of my bestfriends werent there today :[ she didnt go to school because she didnt do her project. I also saw my grades and they sucked pretty much i have 3 A's which are English, History, and Filipino 1. I also have 1 C+ in food and nutrition. and 2 C's in Biology and ALgebra two. My dad just called from the Philippines :] he seemed like he was having fun there. :] my friend bought me free subway lol woohoo earlier after school and I finally meet Aldo. his a cute mexican? guy with like a  hot spanish/french accent.... lol yummy haha

1 comment:

Steven T. said...

filipino is a provided language at your school?