Wednesday, October 1, 2008

so sorry i didnt get to blog yesterday i was just so tired and i had homework and i had to study for a test so after that i just went straight to bed i thought about blogging, but i was tooo sleepy. So today was pretty ok all my classes were just a walk through easy easy easy and i dont even ahve homework thats due tomorrow sooo yeah hehe im a procastinator lol. So at lunch where the good stuff happens is pretty ok i guess cause u guys remember him lol he was showing something on his phone and i heard like oh shes something or something like that lol so i guess he likes someone and his trying to give me a hint to not like him. :[ thats pretty mean. So i sat far from the group i usually go on and i sat with Ngeo and then later on Angela came. I love her lol shes effin tite LOL if she reads this i bet shes going to tease me again lol. Well yeah she reminded me of V-Neck Thursday so i told my group of friends to wear V-Necks tomorrow lol yay for ninjadrops lol. well yeah that was pretty much it. Him hinting me to back off and v-neck thurday lol thats officially every thursday now cause we have nothing else to do lol. ok well im going to stop now so i wont bore who ever is reading this lol. some other stuff happend to at the library, but i dont think that really is entertaining i was just tutoring :] i love kids.. AIM ME Juneyyfosho

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